Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Transformation: Day 8 or R1P2D6

Today was great to know I could get up, do my drops and my weigh, and then go back to bed and sleep some more. I love those days, especially when it's gusty and snowy outside. There's nothing more lovely then staying in bed when the weather outside is cold. I am happy to report that I have lost another 1.2 pounds. That's 8.2 in total now and at the start of Day 6 (D6) Phase 2 (P2), that's pretty good. In case you are wondering why I days it's D6 when my blog title says D8, is because the first two days are P1 of the diet and are gorging days. You don't lost weight at all during those 2 days, so P2 is what counts.

Today I was given some lovely ideas about my chocolate cravings, so tomorrow I'm hopefully going to be able to get some Yerba Matte chocolatte tea! Either that or some chocolate stevia! yum! This will be quite exciting for me :) It doesn't take much these days I suppose haha. It is quite fascinating, however, how much my fruit almost tastes like candy now. After getting rid of all other sugars, those natural ones stand out like quills on a porcupine. The rich flavours which are lost with todays "quick fixes", filled with high sugars and sodium, are now coming back to delight my mouth at every turn.

I must say, I do look forward to, and enjoy thoroughly, my morning giant mug of coffee with French Vanilla stevia. It's truly a fantastic way to start my day. I thought I would miss breakfast, of all meals, as it's my favorite, but not so. Don't get me wrong, it will be nice to be able to have it again, but for now, I'm alright with just my coffee, and it gets me through till lunch.

For lunch I had 100g of Haddock again. It was sitting in the fridge, unthawed, so it was an easy choice. I fried it up with a bit of lemon juice and some salt and pepper and rosemary (which is fast becoming a favorite spice), and then broke it up into small chucks and made it into a salad with fresh spinach leaves and 1 stalk of celery chopped up. I was a bit timid at first of mixing veggies, as some protocols say not to and others say it's alright. I'm sticking to one veggie per meal, for the most part, but in small moderation have allowed a few exceptions and it hasn't effected my loss thus far. I'm not really willing to push the limit or risk it too much, but a little is ok I think.

The day passed with little to no cravings, little to no hunger, but a couple times I felt myself wanting the "bored munchies". I wouldn't say it's craving, as it never is, it's just, "I'm bored so I may as well eat something". Thankfully with this diet, you can't! So that will be good to get over, because bored eating is very dangerous. I was helping a friend with Chemistry homework for a bit this afternoon as well, which also helps pass the time a bit more quickly. And of course, there's nothing like a challenging Sudoku puzzle to entertain the mind for a while. I love lazy Saturdays :)

Supper had chicken on the menu. I had thawed it out all day, so it was ready and waiting for me. I also cooked Hayden's on the side, but used two different flippers this time, so no accidental mistakes. I heated up my pan, added a few Tbsp of water, some fresh minced garlic and added my chicken, which were chunked up. I find I prefer my meats in smaller bits. It seems to last me longer that way. I then added a dash of dill and steamed/fried it up! I also steamed some asparagus (which I'm just loving!) and had a lovely and most delicious meal. The beauty of garlic for me, is I absolutely love it and could eat it everyday, on every meal, and not get sick of it. I have a feeling I'll be using it quite often during this month.

I then ended the day watching Smallville with my handsome husband, eating an orange and my melba toast and then playing a game of Settlers. All in all, it was a great day.

I've prepared my lunch for tomorrow as it's a pot-luck at church. We'll see how that goes for me. Don't worry, no cheating will happen :)

Till next time!

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