The day was perfect. 28 degrees out, not a cloud in the sky, and a soft cool breeze to fool you into thinking your skin would not burn. Just the way I like it. Especially if it means a day at the market. The market I speak of, is Millarville Market, located at the Millarville Racetrack, just South of Calgary. It's a massive outdoor market with everything from your local produce, bountiful baked goods, exquisite art, and everything inbetween. It's a place where laughter abounds and vendors are quick to offer a smile and friendly greeting.
But today was not just another ordinary day at the market. Today was the Priddis Fair. The 105th Annual Priddis Fair, to be exact, with all kinds of fun for the family. One could enjoy a tractor pull, horse jumping, bouncing in jump castles, parade, pie eating contest, horses that make ice cream, petting zoo and face painting, just to name a few. Along with this, there were the hundreds of entries for different competitions, from chickens to wheat bundles, to delicious home made goods, to art of all kinds. It was a good, old country fair, and it was a delight.
As the throng of thousands converged upon the grounds, seemingly all at the same time and all intent on enjoying the festivities, I found myself among them, waundering through the endless rows of white tents, intent on finding something new and intriguing. My search was not in vain, and I'll expand on some of my finds at a later time, (stay tuned for my weekly feature on Mondays to discover some wonderous new businesses and products!). I met many lovely people whom I had great conversations with, I sampled delicious foods and beverages of all sorts, laughed a lot, and came home with, what I hope will develop, into some new friendships.
My very talented husband, Hayden, is a vendor at this market, where he sells his beautiful artwork and has become part of the market family. I feel as though I've been grafted into this family as well. The comradery between vendors is a breath of fresh air and one I encourage you to experience. I'm not saying you need to become a vendor and sell your creations (although that is always an option) to experience this, but you will sense it just being there to purchase your weeks supply of fruites and vegetables and whatever else strikes your fancy.
The fair may be over for this year, however the market continues on, every Saturday from 9am-2pm, until Thanksgiving (Oct 6th), so there's still time to come and explore before the snow flies. You won't be disappointed and the beautiful drive alone is worth it. No matter where in Alberta you may find yourself, a Saturday drive is always a fun adventure.
till next time!
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